Random Weapon Sketches (don’t expect much)

Most of these were in class lmfao
Also these are mostly from phighting or AO, with random custom banhammer-esque fire weapon in the mix. I’ll add a bad sunken sword later but don’t have it on me
I’m not an artist, I know these suck
Ignore the cat
Also the hammer, vinestaffs, sword, gun, and katana were not referenced, but by memory, except for the crescent vinestaff where I looked at an image before drawing it (not while though). Cat and scythe were, I forgot what scythe looked like lmao
I also have some I made on google drawings with geometry years and years ago,

here they are

Screenshot 2024-04-10 1.40.26 PM


How did I not already have this :skull:


super lit!!

now draw the black silence’s weapons


i dont want to spoil you so here

aint no way imma be able to draw those w/o reference bro

believe in yourself

gas yourself up

you’d suprised how far confidence and determination can take you


another person who draws weapons in class!!! this is peak!
