Randomness's Worldbuilding Shenanigans

Why do I want to read more of Akos’s journal now?
Quite an entertaining read.

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Unfortunately I’ve not written anymore of Akos’ journal, as the journals are every couple chapters and I’m planning for at least 3 journals to be interweaved within the story.

I wanna know more about what happens to akos while he’s captured by I.C.E.
Did they give him the stranded clothes like in actual AO while he’s captured or not? In my mind I pictured him in his normal black clothes, bandanna and all.

Akos is probably the only character who looks identical over both canon universes and AO

I’ll post some of it in #writing

He got detained by border patrol ICE :sob:
Mans about to get deported back to the darkness

So i’m guessing they didn’t strip him down and give him bad clothing then

Nope. They just threw him in prison and threatened violence. Riku was not treated well at all though.

Good for akos, he doesn’t get to suffer.

You already have a favourite protagonist…


Man I really gotta update my worldbuilding thread :sleeper:

So I’m a seasoned writer now so I should be able to post the whole thing in a more coordinated fashion later on.

(Whole thing being the chapters I’ve written)

I’ve been using Chat GPT to try and narrow down if my writing makes literal sense, yet no matter how many times I ask it, it never understands this scene at all - I’ll let you read it and try and work out what’s happening to see if the AI is just really bad at more fast paced scenes like this or if I’m a bad writer:

The stars in the night sky shone like sparks of energy buzzing; Akos Frost was walking down a silent street in the Fifth District. A hooded figure was walking down the street towards them, their strides short. Akos could hear their uneven breathing, an irregular and panicked pattern. The silver gleam of a knife in their hands, reaching for their victim. Akos blinked.

A crack echoed through the streets of the Fifth District. The assailant was unconscious on the ground, their knife melted and deformed into a twisted and contorted shape. Near where their head was mere seconds ago was a bullet of a silver/blue colour. It was frozen in the air as if all motivation for its movement had disappeared. Hovering - unnaturally still, no gravity or other forces could move it from its position.
Akos sighed and grabbed the bullet from midair, pocketing it. The twisted knife of the assailant turned into a heap of dust on the ground.
He turned towards where the bullet had come from and glared at where Iridia’s soldiers would be hiding in the shadows up above.

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@ImaLettuce what do you thinks happening there, I just need to check how people understand it.

Assassin approaches akos
Akos sees the threat

He uses freeze (?) magic to essentially freeze his head, a bullet he fired, and warp his knife

Ahh… yeah I need to make it clearer, also context really helps.
Below is the actual events

This was sent in the anomaly universe. Akos has manipulation over energy being a Glitch category anomaly.

  • Five things happen all at once -
    Assailant draws a knife
  • I.C.E agents on the rooftops fire a bullet at assailant.
  • Akos removes energy from the bullet, freezing it, to save the assailant as an act of defiance against I.C.E
  • Akos knocks opponent unconscious because why not.
  • The assailant’s knife is twisted and contorted by the energy redirected from the bullet.

I see now.