Random's Abyss Sea - a cancelled project

Months ago I have started my Abyss Sea project, hoping to write a long novel about it with its own universe and concepts. Unfortunately I cannot work on this any further for three reasons:

  1. I am very burnt out on AO and its community (don’t get me wrong, Empires was great and all but I have simply lost interest in writing AO stuff). This is the biggest reason.

  2. School has started.

  3. I have been slowly shifting away from AO and moving to original content. I am writing a large scale fantasy story rn and I have to focus on that project.

This doc is what I have written as of nowm Thank you @/mirage for creating such a wonderful universe.

I’ll probably be inactive a bit so I could focus on schoolwork and my project. Also I am an amatur writer so I would gladly accept critisism and suggestions.

(Contains lots of violence, and some language)

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