Rank the pfp of the person above you out of 10 and say 1 thing about it


you sick fck.

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Just my level 2 mind

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Simple and cool, 8/10

cool edgy fantasy girl 8/10

10/10 for majima profile

10/10 i like the world ends with you

That suppose to be Rimuru or something. Eh 6/10 nothing much. Actually 7

11/10 that pfp is fire :fire:

10/10 its a perfect representation of how I look and feel

6/9 why does he look like he is consuming ween :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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There is nothing more perfect than the letters AO.

3/10 looks like one of those young Roblox kids and it’s disturbing.


6/10 nice flower pfp and 10/10 for your Iroh avatar card (pretty sure that’s the right term?) anyway uncle Iroh is awesome

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You are correct.

Also 7/10 cool knight dude

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1/10 gives off young roblox kid and as flower guy said its disturbing

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Very heavy ball you got there

0/10 is not a cat pfp

8/10 Cat that loves lean

6/10 he is full of lean