Rank the pfp of the person above you out of 10 and say 1 thing about it

5/10 cool pfp i havent played ff7 though

8/10, club penguin chef

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shoebill/10 average shoebill enjoyer .

7/10 kinda cool

10/10 I love cat

10/10 I love cat also

10/10 haha me too

10/10 its nice that we have something in common

10/10 what is his name

10/10 i dont know he just looks cute

is a cat

10/10 that cat is cute as shit

8/10 large machine gun bird

artistic look

9/10, iris


one more person that mentions my pfp being iris and ima forever leave the forums
also 10/10

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9/10 it kinda looks like iris

10/10 I have no idea what it is

supposed to be a minecraft arctic fox face zoomed in

8/10, iconic

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