Ranting about the discord

I have been in the discord for more than four years now and honestly I never reached more than level 25 on it, on two accounts. Never really found it interesting to talk in considering it was always the exact same conversation with a different format/topic. For example, the gay below and gay above trend that fucked up the discord. Meme channel? Literally just the same image/gif reposted 2,000 fucking times. Not to mention the shitload of dumbass lore predictions that can be avoided by reading the fucking lore. “wHAt iF thEOs rEviVes” was a good example. When a new update releases. “hOW dO i mAKe a sPElL” I shit you not that was a legitimate question during the open tests.
Here is a typical discord conversation.
“Woman not real”
“Woman real”
Play 10 different conversations that change topic faster than light magic with full magic speed.
" :flushed:"
No idea how to describe most of it but you get the point. I will bet my left nut that if you were to screenshot a random moment of general chat every day for a month you will literally find the exact same conversations with just different words.
Then we have the egirls that have the personality of being a woman. That’s it. Just the personality of
“I am girl that play wom and watch anime.” That end up reaching level 50 within 15 days then disappear into oblivion.
Most of this doesn’t make sense most likely but hopefully you can extract a few words out of this rant.

Finally is barely breaking a rule yet still being accountable for it even if it wasn’t really a broken rule, or no examples of what words are illegal so you accidentally use them. Example is how I got muted for " 2. Do not engage in or post content to harass individuals or communities." When all I literally posted was putting a small crown bounty on someone’s head which was making him leave the server I was in, because he was being toxic and annoying while I was fighting bosses. (Not pvp but he would lure them away and make life hell.) Like how the fuck this harassing individuals when it isn’t across servers. Yet for some reason guilds are allowed to have wholeass KOS lists that involve making a person get spawn killed if they coincidentally join the same server.

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I like how all of this is real but that’s also what I like about the discord. A constant random mess.
Well I still have a few things to point out tho :

Litterally what memes are, funny images that get spammed.

I assume there’s context to it? Like it wouldn’t be a problem at all if nobody mentioned it, so it’s safe to assume you went in general to talk about how you put a bounty on someone, either just mentioning it or bragging about it idk. Yes, I assume many guilds do that, but they won’t mention it everywhere because that’s basically harassment… which is what you were punished for.
…But I also never saw a mute like that so idk how strict is the rule.

All I said in general was “paying 749 crowns to whoever gets this annoying good rep extremist off my server.” Then posted my Roblox profile. Instantly got muted.

Oh well no wonder you got muted, since links dont embed it basically looked like you were posting the link to the profile of whoever you wanted to kill.

Oh. Explains a lot. Didn’t really care since all punishments will reset.

When the same gif or image gets reposted in the exact same channel 20k times there has to be a point where it becomes no longer funny unless it gets reposted so many times it becomes funny. All they get is mediocre amount of reposts which aren’t funny and end up annoying especially when done with literally every meme. Same logic as the Didn’t ask meme.

We may just have different opinions since humor is subjective anyways.

Here’s the thing. This stuff doesn’t just happen with Vetex’s discord, it happens everywhere, on every popular game or hub server.

Instead of having one general, why not have 2 or 3? You need to actually review the purpose of having a general chat in the first place - it’s to discuss things with a group of people. Since the chats are getting extremely overwhelmed with constant messages, the best solution here would be to create multiple general chats for people to have a nice conversation in. Simply increasing the message cooldowns doesn’t work very well, in fact it makes having conversations even worse. It makes the chat as a whole ‘look’ better in the eyes of mods, since the message rate decreases, but the conversations are just going at 2x slower speed, which is annoying for the people having them.

Another solution would be to add more channels for specific levels and above. I know there’s already an exclusive level 50+ chat, but getting to level 50 is extremely tedious, and it doesn’t reflect the average level of a server member. You see, most of the people in the server range from level 1-5 (around 60%, from looking at the leaderboard). Those are the people that are either alts, just in the server for the news, or just chat occasionally if they have a question needed to be answered. There are only a handful of truly loyal/no-lifes that stick around and chat for ages. Looking at the stats, there should be a channel for level 15+ and level 30+ users. These are the guys that either chat a decent amount or actually have stayed in the server for so long that they naturally accumulated the levels with occasional messages.

This way, we can filter out the different ‘types’ of users, and the server can hold more meaningful and enjoyable conversations.

Another solution would be to simply add more channels! A ‘game Q&A’ channel would be extremely useful, and either mods or assigned ‘Helpers’ can help answer player questions.

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Agreed. 100%. The issue is a lot more prominent in Vetex server from my experience though.

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everything you just said: :fax:

theres literally only like a few very few people on that discord that were cool/funny shoutout to chadwar.
Now that i look back on it, most of the convos were really the same. Any actually interesting convo would be completely turned around by just one person saying “h” or doing some stupid ass chain. (i was part of this for a bit no lie)

honestly the most annoying thing about the discord is being ignored half the time

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There should be something new, not the literally same gif posted 10 times each day. Yes the definition of meme is something that’s copied and spread around but there should be something NEW

Oh I’m not saying they are funny, it’s just how it works there
Can’t force someone to not repost anyway so…

with rules you can

I remember when I first created my discord account I joined a server and talked with some peeps that I had actual interesting conversations with.

Unfortunately those peeps either deleted their discord account or have other things to do. Now days I don’t even bother chatting on discord since it’s pretty much what you said.

woomy go brrr

imagine having only 1 general chat for a server with like …idk how many members the server has, and putting on slow mode instead of just making another channel to compensate

That also is another part of the problem. As soon as the edgy level 25s are on everyone below is now irrelevant and does not deserve anything but to get made fun of for disagreeing about anything.

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