Rare Item Pity

Rare Item Pity https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/f/a/faa721eb898b36a307db74223aec64f2b046b6d9_2_1024x438.png
effort 5.0 7 quality 4.833333333333333 6 reasonability 4.888888888888889 9

Would this mean that if I were to fish with a treasurer collector’s rod for 50 hours, I would get closer to sunken pity than fishing with a normal rod for 50 hours?

Since you’d have a higher chance to get item bags, I would assume so.

If my interpretation is right, then this is some kind of “Soft Pity” then. Once you reach a certain value, the math.floor will no longer result in a “0” but instead a “1” which’ll result in you getting a 1.5x chance to get your item. Then it becomes “1.5^2”, “1.5^3”, and so on. Meaning as time goes on, your chances of getting your rare drop before the Hard Pity will increase over time.
The Floor also prevents you from getting stuff like 0.5 and square rooting the 1.5.

In other words:

Underwater chests add 1 to the x value
Fishing adds 1.5 to the x value
Abyssal chests add 2 to the x value

So for the equation:

x = 300
p = 3000 (Sunken rate)
(1.5^math.floor(300/(0.1*3000)))/3000 → (1.5^math.floor(300/300))/3000 → (1.5^1)/3000
→ 1.5/3000

TLDR: Every 300 points worth of activity is a +1 to the soft pity boost.
Base Rate: 0.033%
300 Point Rate: 0.05%
600 Point Rate: 0.075%
900 Point Rate: 0.1125%
1200 Point Rate: 0.16875%

Ofc, this’ll apply to the item itself. So if something has a better rate, then each tick using this equation would scale better. Forgot if Abyssal has any different rates, but if it had a rate of 2000 instead of 3000. Then at 600 points it’d be:
1.5^(600/(0.1*2000) = 1.5^(600/200) = 1.5^3 = 3.375
(3.375/2000) * 100% = 0.16875%

So it’d be equivalent to the 1200 Point Rate for fishing at 600 points in this hypothetical.

Just a good idea. Nothing more to say

This would be a great idea since a lot of players perfer sunken loot

Guys can we welcome this guy to the club

Cool Suggestion

pretty please with a cherry on top :interrobang:


Reviving this suggestion from the brink of death

I need my pity!!