Rare Item Pity

Rare Item Pity https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/f/a/faa721eb898b36a307db74223aec64f2b046b6d9_2_1024x438.png
effort 5.0 7 quality 4.833333333333333 6 reasonability 4.888888888888889 9

Rare Item Pity

There should be “x Pity Count” values that could be created for items, such as “Lost Treasure Pity Count” for the Lost Treasure sets.
This count should be integrated into a pity formula that would be implemented for every current and future drop rate table that is at or below the base of 1/100 (currently, only Lost Treasure and Sunken items fit this qualification).
Pity counts increment by some number every time an activity required to obtain an item is successfully done
The P variable would be the actual drop rate of the item (from doing the specific activity)
The x variable would be the respective Pity Count statistic

The Formula
( 1.5 ^ math.floor(x/0.1P ) / P

Sunken Pity Count

  • Sunken Pity Count should be incremented by:
    • +1 for every collected Underwater chest
      • +1.5 for every successful catch (from fishing)
        • +2 for every collected Abyssal chest

Lost Treasure Pity Count

  • Lost Treasure Pity Count should be incremented by:
    • +1 for every common/uncommon/rare chart spot
    • +1.25 for every exotic chart spot
    • +1.5 for every legendary chart spot

For any future rates requiring a similar pity system (due to having a 1/100 or below drop rate), more “x Pity Count” Values could be created for items.

[BONUS] There could be a tutorial hint after getting a Sunken Pity Count >= 200 or Lost Treasure Pity Count >= 10, telling you that there is a pity system in which rates for rare items increase the more activities you do to obtain them. It could let you know that you could view this pity count in your inventory.

The Current Sunken Pity

Sunken Pity has always been weird in that it is a hard type of pity, one that only works at a specific amount and nothing more; this isn’t malleable at all and can translate into too much unfavourable RNG for the player (if you’re that unlucky, you will have to wait for the 3,000th catch), and while edge cases aren’t as a common, there should be a better way to handle how pity works and how to make it better.

This type of rework aims to not only revamp how Sunken Pity works, but also give other non-Sunken items that still have a remotely low chance a pity system to work with thanks to this formula; think of future Lost Magic Scrolls, Ancient Spells, Legendary Weapons and so on.


Main idea by me, formatting by @Meta and formula by @Cystax.


Hi nice suggestion

would prefer different methods for obtaining items that isn’t heavily influenced by rng, but this would serve as a nice substitute

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Could this affect rare chest drops? Acrimonies, dark sea essentia, legendary scales etc.? How about legendary fish?

Is there a maximum at which the pity stops? Or will it just keep increasing until you get that item, and then reset back to base levels?

ily artanaris :heart: (platonically :broken_heart:)

would this only be for “rare” items, not exotic or legendary or something else?

Not related to what you said but Legendary fish should also get pity too

Maths go brr (i understood nothing but yay pity)

Yes, in this example P is 2000 which stands for the fishing obtainment method of Sunkens; with this formula, if I remember correctly, you’d hit 1% Sunken Catch Rate at around 1500~ catches, however, while this might sound incredibly underwhelming, do note that the objective here is to not only add a pity that increases as you do actions, but also for everything that encompasses the obtainment method to place it under a common factor, so as you get chests and abyssal chests, P would change, but the pity would still go up and be shared between all methods.

And yes, there’s a point where it stops, but as that’s an incredibly high number,
hence it would have to instead be hardcoded, so think of the current way Sunken pity works.

Absolutely, this formula can be used properly as long as the chance is at or below 1/100.

Rare in this case stands for ‘anything that requires an extensive amount of time to be obtained’; It’s just the wording and doesn’t mean that only Rare-tier items would be affected by this.

At the end of the day, it’s up to Vetex if he wants to make other stuff be affected by this formula.

I hope I’ve answered to your questions properly.


would this apply for my 1300 catches that are currently in my stats?

Depends on how it’s added and if it’ll count stats or start anew with something else so I can’t really give you an answer since it’d be up to Vetex on how to add it.

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Do you know how it would work with legendary fish? As the fish has to be both rare and golden. There’s 2 requirements and both of them are more common than 1/100.

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It should as “P” can be set to 100 and the formula would still work properly.

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Can’t wait for the bosses with actual rare drops like in AA…

diving buff :muscle::muscle::muscle: