Rare spell and technique idea

Rare spell and technique idea https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/3/633683104d85cb64ddcf87e4c60c2c606f5c9a5c.png
effort 5.0 3 quality 4.666666666666667 3 reasonability 5.0 3

blaster - a simple blast that appears in front of the user at first, but if the user holds it down, magic circles appear and add smaller magic blasts to it, enlarging it and increasing its damage. On release, the damage scales on how many seconds the user holds it down (max 10 seconds). The base damage is that of a beam, but when fully held, two blasts. Any damage taken would disrupt the blast, causing an explosion instead, harming the user a little and all of the user’s surroundings. You can change it’s shape, size, and ultimate art.

barrage - punch rapidly. Can change amount (20-100), animation (same as shot), speed (0.01 - 0.5), size, embodiment, and ultimate art. Has a short range but high damage and is good for stacking status effects. (this might be able to block projectiles, I don’t know)
barrage has two versions, sphere which barrages with more of a hook (does more damage and has less range), and square, which barrages directly outwards (has more range but does less damage)

visualization (Sorry if the drawing isn’t quality):

The reason why I’m not putting damage numbers in here is because I’m horrible at balancing :smiley:

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Is there anything unique about the blaster spell? Since it seems like a worse version of the regular blast spell.
Maybe the barrage could work similar to surge too, in that you have to hold it down for more hits?

I forgot to mention the barrage spell you only acitvate once instead of holding it down.

When charged, I mentioned that the blaster spell has double the size and damage of the blast spell, it just takes longer to get there.
Also the blaster disrupts when you’re attacked while charging, causing more of an explosion.

Barrage be like Ora Ora

10 seconds to just have the same damage as spamming two blasts? That doesn’t seem that good

should i buff the damage or lower the time

The entire spell is bad so you should just scrap it instead.

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10 second interruptible charge would only ever be useful in ambushing players if it 1 shot them

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ngl i saw the diagram and perfectly understood it

The idea is solid, but I have a minor nitpick about Blaster. Specifically, the name, which is bound to create confusion with the ‘Blast’ spell that already exists in-game. Perhaps you could call it ‘Charge’ instead?

Omw to charge up a blast spell that’ll get:

  1. Dodged
  2. Interrupted
  3. By the time it’s fully charged, the target already went from Sumeru to the Bronze Sea with a boat fully loaded with crates.

By the way, pretty sure that a regular blast spell can be charged to do 1.33x damage in around 2 seconds. So the charge per second value is worse.

Barrage is good but I think something similar is planned as a Lost Spell (archived list). We’ll see how that goes though.

it still wouldnt be good because there shouldnt be any item, ability, or spell that should 1 tap any player of the same level as you. would be pretty unfair especially to afk players or fishing players

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