Rare Technique, Passage

Rare Technique, Passage
effort 4.6 5 quality 4.0 5 reasonability 3.0 5

A few different forms of combat in games have some kind of “rush” attack, where whoever uses it passes by their target(s) once, or multiple times. And in AO, I haven’t seen anything like that. So, a variant of Crash, which mostly doesn’t stop you if you collide with something/someone.


As mentioned, “Passage” (better name pending) is basically Crash, with some differences.
For one, the AoE of “Passage” is significantly smaller. For another, the AoE is active the entire time that you are using it. And, of course, you can go through enemies with it, without needing to miss them. It should probably deal slightly less damage than most techniques, due to the movement potential. It could, maybe, have an option where you can use it again within a short timeframe of the first dash ending? It should probably share some of its’ cooldown with Crash.

My Ramblings regarding 'Count' for this technique

There are multiple options regarding a “Count” option for this. The first, and least likely to be accepted, is not having a count option. With this option, you can, theoretically, chain “Passage” infinitely. To counteract this, after about 3 uses, maybe, the distance you can move with this technique starts drastically degrading.
The second option, is having a “soft” count. You can use the technique again mid-dash to change directions, or within about a second of a dash ending, to get another, until you reach the count you set in the modification options. Then, you are locked into moving in straight lines until a dash ends, and have to reactivate it quickly to get another, with the distance you can move decreasing by about 15% (multiplicatively, probably) with every additional dash. Higher counts set with this option would reduce the damage the technique deals, and the distance you can move with it.
The third option, is a “hard” count limit. It’s like the second option, but without the possibility of continuing to use it after you’ve reached the count you’ve set.

Reasons for adding this
  • It’s a common kind of attack in media that currently does not exist in AO
  • Most existing multihit attacks have an equivalent for mages (shot - blast/beam, smash - explosion, rushdown - snare), this would set magic and strength further apart
  • It could look really cool (This is probably not all that important, but I felt the need to add it)
Reasons against adding this
  • It could be difficult to add
  • It could be difficult to balance

I hope neither the name, nor the idea itself, are too bad. If you have better ideas for the name, please, do tell me about them, I don’t think the one I ended up picking to get this into a post is the best this technique could have.

Some notes

I used the word “dash” a few times, but I didn’t make that the name of this technique, mostly because I feel like it doesn’t quite fit for an offensively oriented move? Also, there are already to many techniques using “sh” somewhere in their name.
I was considering giving this technique iframes, but I reconsidered quickly. Not giving this damage reduction, either, at least for the options that can change directions mid-dash.

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id rather give it one use and you get a second one if you hit someone during the first dash or something like that, then you gotta land to recharge and the cooldown is at least about as long as rushdown
anyway there seems to be a pretty big problem with mosquito builds so i doubt another dash movement skill literally designed to be better than crash at dashing would be added

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I like this a lot. Seems like it’s be really fun, and you’ve balanced it pretty well (as far as I can tell, I’m not great at that sort of stuff). Feels like it’d be the beam to Crash’s blast, and having it be a rare technique does allow it to be a sort-of upgrade to Crash. It gets my vote and the Potassium Seal of Approval™

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rename it chasedown or pursuit (pokemon refrence)

I like the idea, but it doesn’t feel unique enough to be a rare technique. I think it’s best as a setting for crash.

I think a better idea would be a combination of crash and airstep, which I will temporarily call “grab-boost”. It would have a grab-like hitbox, and after you directly hit your opponent you jump off of them, dealing damage and launching them in the opposite direction. I think that the idea of passage is to let the user move away after hitting your opponent, which grab-boost keeps.

Only way I see anyone using this if it can go through area denial unharmed/extended clashboxes. So say I saw someone use tempest, I can use this and go through them and the tempest unharmed while getting some chip damage in.

this would be awesome, as it’s a cool technique and berserkers really need more tools. i think some crash buffs would help as well, fighting how you’re intended to as a berserker (getting up close and relentlessly attacking) is generally very ineffective outside of specific situations, i’m a berserker main and i tend to fare a lot better against skilled people when i use my up-close attacks mainly to stay in the air, and almost only attack with Shot. i think passage should be able to protect you from area denial like Crusade said, it’d help differentiate it from crash more and make it so you can get up close to metamages without having like half of your hp drained by a pulsar.

sounds like your making the issue with mobility being absurd even worse


in my humble opinion, and not due to the fact i’ve seen it in tourney matches, fights, chases, etc.

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