Rate combo

Which combo do you think is better and how do you rate each (difference between wind variants is only cosmetic but this is based off of stats and strategy)

Reasoning for :explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var3: :ash_magic:
Explosion inflicts charred, which boosts wind magic’s damage slightly. Explosion is about average speed and of good size, so explosion alone would be good for close/medium distance combat. Wind is fast and with the same damage as explosion, so it’s also viable, but would probably be used after charred is inflicted for a little extra damage. When an ash spell is used on a charred target, it also inflicts petrified. Both explosion and wind deal extra damage on petrified and remove the effect. Wind would probably be used on petrified due to it’s increased speed and having the same damage as explosion.

Tl;dr: Petrified abuse and 3 way synergy

Reasoning for :explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var2: :snow_magic:
Like the first one, explosion still boosts wind damage slightly. The difference here is that snow inflicts snowy, and wind will turn this snowy into freeze. From here, explosion will be used to break the freeze, which deals more than explosion or wind against petrified. The downside here is that snow and explosion do not go well together, but snow has well rounded stats that make it viable on it’s own or with wind as well. Although you might rank this one to be worse than the first one, the main reasoning behind this one is because snow will probably be more effective on opponents in colder regions, and explosion in warmer regions. It also allows support when with another magic user, because if they use a cold magic then I could use wind or snow to boost them, or I could use explosion and wind if they have a hot magic. Wind is all around pretty good as well and can usually be used if they do not have either boost. Another good reason to have snow is so I can fight without causing massive damage, if need be. Since explosion is so destructive and snow is not, I can use both for different circumstances. I suppose this applies to ash as well though.

Tl;dr: Freeze abuse and synergy between wind/explosion or snow/wind. These 2 synergies would also each be effective in different environments, and allows me to boost more magic user’s synergies

Which combo is better (Read reasoning for each)
  • :explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var3: :ash_magic:
  • :explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var2: :snow_magic:

0 voters

:explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var3: :ash_magic:
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0 voters

:explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var2: :snow_magic:
  • 1
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  • 10

0 voters

I like to make my enemies stare at me blankly while they are petrified.

finally someone see the true power of explosion!

best part is even if the enemy is really cold it doesn’t decrease damage.

first one has a better theme, so its my top choice if i dont care about the pvp aspect

both kinda suck since they try to abuse petrified or frozen as if you would ever land a hit after. youve got two seconds, then you can factor in your ping, the speed your blast travels at, the fact you cant necessarily know your previous spell will land and cause the effect… unless you use a placed explosion or a beam, which both have low damage, or if you have a lot of attack speed (not sure how viable it is for projectile speed), yeah no you wont land it.

you can argue the first combo would be better since wind is much faster than explosion, but if even a wind blast wasnt fast enough, then you would be stuck using the other spells and at that point its just bad whatever the magic you use (wind has literally the same damage as explosion)

you shouldnt bother trying to optimise synergies that much. at this point its the coolness factor that decides. there arent really super op combos except if you include weather, since ice annihilates in the rain, and the stronger ones are usually only strong on paper since they are basically non existent. you also wont even be able to have 3 starter magics unless you go full mage, and, even if you did, its still subject to change (everyone is aware 5 magics is completely unnecessary especially for starters)

:snow_magic: :wind_magic_var2: :water_magic_var3: *

water mid, explosion winning :nerd_face:

waping makes some very good points but I can’t address them yet because im in class rn hehe

which I could try to propel myself into whatever that claw skill was

The one that uses snow because snow is just ice but weird


:wood_magic_var1: :explosion_magic: :fire_magic:

:explosion_magic: :ash_magic: :fire_magic: is better

no wood so uhm like 0/10 lol

explosion magic :poggers2:

Wood is funny but absolutely mid

I feel bad for this man does not know the true power of wood

1 Like

wood makes very bad weapons and tools.

wood burn.

fire hurt bad

wood make fire hurt more.

also splinters fuck those worst thing ever bruh super painful

If i actually have time to respond now…

That’s true, the idea was mostly the damage bonus that you get when you actually inflict it, not when you break it, but yeah you’re right there’s realistically 0 chance of hitting that. And turns out that the damage boost when you inflict petrified (i didnt check freeze) isnt even that much so its really not that great. Also the purpose of having snow in the combo is to have magics more effective in cold environments as well as hot. I know explosion does more against sweating from high temperatures, but I haven’t checked the trello in a while so I can’t say for sure if snow does more on opponents freezing from high temperatures. That was the idea though.

The point was to use explosion for charred and then wind for damage boost, although it really is just a tiny damage boost.

So you think the aesthetic/preference is more important than actual synergy? Good to know I guess

Is it ok if I light your wood magic on fire?