Rate my build out of 10 I wanna know if it’s good

no wall of jericho, no sunken sword, otherwise decent. 6/10

I had those on my old account


armour needs improvements

not required. sunken swords get more credit than they deserve. same with all weapons except a WoJ and debateably a hard vast

good build but you get way more defense than power, so maybe replace the hard amulet with another strong amulet. 7/10.

What improvements?

1022 build

  • hard wiz set
  • hard power amulet
  • hard defense amulet

youll have 1022hp and do slightly more damage than you do now

Well the only reason I made my build like this is I knew it would do 150 dmg and with 1000hp and most people only have say 800 hp meaning I could take one more hot than the average person and kill someone in 5 hits

nothing wrong with extra health. its quite useful when in the right hands

I mean I really feel like it depends on the situation, like if you have a 20 blast spammer then you can combine swift and damage, and punish him for having bad aim, but if you’re facing an actual pvper or minatouar then you should use what you have now.

dont need a good build for mino, just dont have skill issue

kid would get clapped by a pvper with a build like that, even though he using wind

It also depends on my skill I mean I am not bad but not great

just do what you want but dont expect to be given any more advice except “use a meta set”

Alr thanks for the feedback

A hard wizard set is objectively better than a hard iron set.

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What about a hard sunken set or hard exiled set?

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That would get me like 3 def more

61 power is good enough

It also adds bursting to the mix, which makes aiming so much easier