Rate my build

Let me go into my moves. A 4 blast at 20%, a crystal explosion at 1 burst sphere and max size, and a single hit blast at 50% FYI this is my alt account and its purpose is to commit cock and ball torture on the exiled

I felt like tank fish in my head when I said it

Spear bad weapon.

Swift enchantment really not good.

Clean armor is always a bad option, at least enchant it.

Your build doesn’t seem to get much from using the Exiled set. Your power is low and your health is just somewhat above average.

I’d rate it 5/10.

i rarley use spear, swift was just a random enchant i got, i am too scared to get bad enchants + costly rn, idk how to increase my power any further. ty

Just grab some strong or hard wizrad armor and ur good

im just scared my protection will go down too much

A full hard wizard set gets your health in the mid-high 900’s. I got 914 health and I use Hard Defense, Hard Mino Helm, and Hard Mino pants. Hard enchantment is busted.

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800 to 900 smth is good enough

only viable wom build is hard wizard set, powerful wizard hat, powerful power amulet and hard defense amulet

Regarding your armor build, well it’s not even a hybrid set cus strong defense but weak magic power. It’s wise that you chose those defense and magic power amulet, but not for exiled helm chest and legs. They may give extra defense, but you will tend to be defensive rather than aggressive. So yea hard wizard set will be pog enough to hunt exiled. (and I feel bad for you enchanting the legs to be a magic sped one. Magic sped is useless.)
For your weapon build, replace your spear with mino axe. Yes you need some grinding but it is what it is. Meta weapon build. But still those weapons itself deal pitiful amount of damage. They will probably used for fun purpose only. Magic attacks will be more effective than weapon attacks against exiled anyway. (and it hurts my eyes why don’t you have a fishing rod :pensive:)
For your moves, it’s ok. For me I use 20 min size blasts for exiled hunting. I tank most attacks and beat him with speed.
Overall, 4/10.
(And you may want to change your drip not unique enough :confused: )

Its my alt what do you expect?

Ok may i offer for the full armor set using a full exiled armor set once I obtain it?

I don’t play wom anymore lol I have a job

Well tbf I recently just came back after I left in October 2020 and just completed full set

I used 20 then somebody from the forums recommended me to use 2-4 bursts. Link is here for proof idk why i did it Any tips on exiled/ crown farming? - #16 by Theoofderp

Oh D:

i see

I did

any move that costs too much time leaves you too open for punishment

lmao wrong