Rate my fit

imagine having hats, couldn’t be me

7/10 i like the colour scheme but the hair seems out of place (not talking abt clipping, its just the hair doesnt sit with me)

looks like officer of G.N.

also look at my avatar

UraM2000 but nerd

It looks nice and the different parts of it fit well together. The only thing bringing it down is the thing on your right shoulder. It doesn’t really seem to match as far as style goes and only one shoulder has it.

He’s telling the truth. I went to his roblox account and learned the following:
Sandal is not a furry.
Sandal likes eggoes.

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I changed my avatar recently. but because of reasons I can’t get on roblox. If someone wants they can go grab it.

Reason: :nerd_face:

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Hair counts as a hat

hair is under the body category no it doesn’t-


Why is your name Sandal now

always has been :shushing_face:

If you think that Sandal’s name used to be something other than “Sandal” until now, I think you should go to bed.

I dunno, I feel like his username used to be a bit more klampy than this one

but he did actually change it to klamp for a bit

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he got a glock in his rari

fellow bucket owner :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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I gotta plug my own clothing here