Rate my magma file’s design

Why am I asking here of all places?
Because I’m curious.
Also, I drew her some time back so have this too

My art is not great.
To me she screams purity and I do not like it when AO is going to be a very violent game


Design is fine. I enjoy designs that don’t center themselves around their magic (fire wizard wearing red, water wearing blue, etc). So this is neat. Overall though it’s just pretty simple. Nothing wrong with it.


I guess the orange feet told you she was magma

no I thought she just had a really weird skin condition

Average oc starter pack
Personality is their magic
Design is their magic

Energetic magma user who uses a lot of yellow
I guess the yellow and energetic parallel but the magma?

Not saying you are

Now I’m paranoid.
And this is convincing me that my ash file right now would look better in red because he currently uses orange

ahh i did this to him