as said in the title this is my no magic file. I have never used magic on this file, never will use magic. I haven’t even made a spell. Feel free to rate it by whatever merit you want, I know it’s absolute dog shit for PvP, I’ve only won 1 out of my 3 fights.
also while you’re examining that loadout, check my surroundings and guess where I am, you get good boy/girl points if you guess right
You could’ve used minotaur armors ( Helmet not included ) since even after TGR, I doubt they’ll have different stats, the only one being changed completely are boss weapons.
I think bow is much better than crossbow, not sure due to the scaling being different.
Of those are dual daggers, I think spear is better because it doesn’t get you stuck for 3 seconds which gives magic users the opportunity to just 4 blast you.
As for the equipment, ig it’s the best you have so just try for that Mino gear because I don’t know what you would use otherwise, iron legs seem like a temporary solution.
I think you are between Ironport and the Abandoned Arena.
I consider the bow but honestly I like conserving arrows. I will try out using a normal bow sometime but rn I like the crossbow. I also might consider the spear, might actually try to get a strong one rn since I’m in ironport rn.
also, quick edit, I don’t use the daggers too often. I never throw them and I just use them for close range cause DPS be wack yo. Reason for having the sword? AoE.