Rate my planned warlock build


the piercing kinda is just a side product of poison magic arcanium teehee

Boosted build
use sunkens
grind kid.

how the heck is this boosted but using sunkens isn’t boosted :sob:

start sunkenmaxxing, ruin the economy

Want my macro?

isn’t that bannable

Just dont get caught

no, as long as you are at your computer while using it. while using the macro you can do other stuff on your computer but just don’t use it while afk, as that is bannable

Can you tell me your macro? I want to do other things at my computer while fishing, but I don’t know how to set a macro up for that

The facts that everyone has access to this makes it so that he will get caught

I don’t even know how to install a macro lol so you won’t catch me hacking anytime soon

That isn’t hacking bro, just using a macro. It is essentially like using an auto clicker on cookie clicker, except if you afk farm, it is bannable

Nevermind don’t want it anymore


bro doesn’t want to get banned again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just dont get caught amateur :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: