The HP goes up with the Aura on the second picture lol, but been thinking about ditching 2 painites for agates due to self damage

The HP goes up with the Aura on the second picture lol, but been thinking about ditching 2 painites for agates due to self damage
Pretty good, consider having at least some power and yes, swap out the painites for agates (all of them preferably)
Hehehe almost 5k health hehehe
you better start praying that armour piercing isnt that good next upd
on a real note heres my paladin build (yes i also main paladin)
These new stat builds are wild ngl.
Oof forgot bout the armor piercing, we’ll see how these new stats work out in the coming updates…
This build is not good, very much not good PVP wise, and probably in PVE.
Did you forget that Paladins deal less damage than other classes? you should invest in power in that case, being a tank’s just…not good, unless you really have a hard time fighting Calvus.
you should swap some of that defense for power, your hits would be as strong as shooting nerf bullets at people.
And lower your current drawback, you are going to deal more damage to yourself than the enemy would in a short timespan.
Ik about Paladin’s DMG reduce and honestly i’ve been working around it don’t worry and i don’t realy care for pvp and pve goes good still
I do agree on the drawback i’m working on lowering it, rn i’m at 2 but the drop in HP is quite hard (on aura use) since it goes from 4.9k to 4.6k
And for power i will look into it but i don’t realy know how, maybe some malachites or replacing a part
the drawback hurts more than it provides on tank builds, drop the painite for literally anything else