Rate this flier my school made for a "spirit" week where we basically have days but themed for a week

Spirit dsy poster
school ends on formal day and I’m selling cookies during the dance (LFG I don’t dance anyway :poggerfish: )

the poster hurts my eyes, does it hurt yours?

  • I like it (option for people who accidentally click while blinded from the poster)

0 voters

derp if you somehow fucking track me down from this fuck you

Nah Gustavo Fring is raw as fuck

what in fucks name is this MS paint stock image ugly ass font abomination I am staring at :skull:

respectfully :peace_symbol: :pray:

Looks great!

remade it in powerpoint

how did i do?
  • pretty
  • eh

0 voters


Your school needs a massive overhaul in the design department

Did they seriously use Gus Mother-Fucking Fring on their spirit week poster?

That is cringe.

much better

literally night and day and 15x better than whatever the school decided on w/ some room for improvement on visual msging and helping those for a small glance

the school looks like they took some random poor freshmen or 7th/8th grader and showed them a design program they never seen and half harzardly did the best they could. lazily said that it was good enough when in reality no one is gonna have much to any idea on what it is other than maybe knowing its the crappy advertising design for the event ;-;

those that take graphics at that school (assuming it’s like one like im thinking of) probably are scoffing at the crappy design and how they could’ve done something for them and have fun with it possibly.

if they don’t have a graphics class, it still urks me nonetheless and anyone that has interests relating to graphics there possibly. which could also have assisted in some way too and get some community in there that they’re tryna achieve.

now for me to stop here for overly ranting and chewing out a school i have never heard of or know their situations and the like. plus it’s midnight and i need decent sleep aaa

man i looked at it for a second and now im taking a few seconds to look at it and can already feel like tearing it apart in criticism oof

funniest part is, it only took me like 10-15 minutes to make

also is that gustavo fring?


also i have no idea who that guy is other than being an oof of an attempt to appeal to students and what not.

(i know he’s from the we are not the same meme iirc tho just the actual person i have no clue)

It’s kind of hard to read because it’s not very organized, so it takes a few seconds to figure out how it’s set up.

49thNipScrip’s version is much better.

at least it looks presentable to people and wont give me a tumor if I look at it for more than 2 zeptoseconds :skull:

1 Like

was going to put “MY EYES” until i saw Gus Fring

truly one of the spirit week posters of all time

so at my school we have options as a period which is stuff like art, cooking, etc. One of those is leadership which I’m in, which is basically helping around the school, planning out these sorts of things n such. So imagine like four of the people you described except they’re proficient with computers deciding to make this fucking mess.

there’s some other posters they made, which were actually bearable (Jerry hard carry with like four pretty good posters)

oh geez

Jerry the :goat: