Rate topic but i rate YOU

We both know why I can’t do that

I request to be rated

Rating seems fun

same I don’t remember either lmao

I was even wordier back then than I am now, so looking back at my older posts fills me with c r i n g e

It reminds me of the forum tierlist trend we had way back when

I’ll make it easier for you, here’s my first post:

Rate me

Do it

dont scroll too far

Oi Crimso~



I’m probably like a 4-5/10 due to not having two of them

1 Like

i got a background now, so ig i’m ready now

(rate pls)

Pfp: 7/10 I feel like i’ve seen it somewhere but idk where :thinking:
Description: :moyai:/10 take a look at this fucker right here, its an abomination, i hate it. How did anyone think this was a good idea for an emoji? The point of emojis is to show emotion, well what emotion does this show? Do you just wake up in the morning and think, WOW i sure do feel like a massive fucking stone today! It provokes me whenever i see it, it mocks me with its smug visage. What i really wanna do is drive down to the emoji headquarters, find the computer that hosts this specific emoji :moyai: and light it on fire! I’d like to push it off a cliff and watch it shatter into itty bitty pieces. And people just comment with it, as if its funny, its not. Oh wow, a stone head im so fucking hilarious and original. I’ll use it in every comment i post, NO, Stop it! Why does it have to be so goddamn smug? You’re a fucking stone you have no goals, you will never accomplish anything in life apart from pissing me off! Moyai, more like go die! Fucker.
Profile Background: 8/10 Cool
First Post: 4/10 Metamancing bad
Name: 3/10 Not actually a bad named just brings back bad memories when my old usernames used to be “Dark Dragon Fighter” :sob:

Average: 4.4 + (:moyai: ÷ 5) / 10

What if vex replied to this post :skull::skull:

hiii mee

Pfp: 6/10 nothing to really say here
Description 8/10 magic is ontop
Profile Background: 5/10 same as pfp
First Post: 8/10 Magic ontop :fire_magic:
Name: 8/10

average: 7/10

my first posts were all clan recruitment before that shit got removed :sob:

ill probably just go off the last post that is avaliable then :person_shrugging: