Will Lost Magics be too common between players?

Lost Magics are something that will most likely be added to the game later on down the line but too early to say when. Since certain portions of the game are being released one-by-one like fishing or guilds, it gives players enough time to catch up towards the level capacity before another update is added towards the game. Knowing this, by the time it’s time for Lost Magics to come out, everyone will basically be on the same page and have around the same strength as everyone else. Since Lost Magics are considered to be very uncommon types of magic, it might just be possible at this rate for them to lose their rarity once added in an update. I also know that certain jobs have to be done to gain the Lost Magic itself. Are jobs enough or do you think something more has to be done to keep these magics rare?


I think that they will be rare even if not extremely difficult to obtain as a max level because most of the (constant) game population is new players. People usually stop playing constantly after they’ve hit max level and achieved their goals, so while there may be a lot of online lost magic users right after every update, most people you see probably won’t have one.

Building on what @Mage said, they’re definitely going to make it as difficult as possible for people to obtain lost magics/primordial magics. Either way though, a good few people will end up achieving them thanks to youtube tutorials etc unless they add a countermeasure against this (e.g random/unpredictable variables).

Lost magics will most likely be scattered around the map, with randomly generated obstacles such as bosses, so YouTube tutorials shouldn’t be much of a help, unless vetex makes them more generic, which I doubt he will

alot of RNG and grinding will be involved. iirc vetex said that primordials would be as rare as legendary weapons in aa, and lost magics will be twice as common as that(still pretty rare).

so unless u put a lot of effort into it, u likely wont get any lost magic scrolls.

also can’t you just buy them off other players

yeah u could trade for it but if its worth so much, ur going to have trouble making trades without something of similar rarity

Didn’t they also say you could only get lost magic and primordial magic scrolls from guild requests?? Hopefully that will help them take a bit longer to get because to get good quests from your guild it has to be well known so that should make it take a bit longer and require more effort.

Pretty sure that most of them will be auctioned. So no need for an item of same rarity. Just shit ton of crowns

I really hope RNG is not involved too much, because that leads to of players with bad luck having terrible experiences because of the absurdly low spawn/drop rate. I guess vetex could force a drop or spawn if someone already tried to get it 100 times.

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This is a very good question, imo. Bc it is certainly the case that staggering updates the way Vetex is planning to do will allow people to catch up to the level max. This will inevitably crossover when Lost Magics are added. I think Vetex should put in some more stuff to make them rarer, but I’m not entirely sure.

Vetex has said in the past that Primordial Magics will be as rare as Legendary Weps in AA, and Lost Magics will be twice as common as that. That’s still extremely rare, so perhaps rarity won’t be an issue. What may also be an issue though is Guilds, as Guilds can offer you Lost Magic scrolls from their vaults.

Just like OffAndSphere said, I hope its not gonna be 100% RNG. Making it luck only can quickly kill the fun of grinding for one, especially when others get them with way less effort.

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Maybe there could be a currency for super rare items?

i think its not a question of rarity it depends if your good enough to get them and have the lvl to get them aswell

in my opinion RNG shouldnt be the sole factor in deciding who gets lost magic, but it should at least play a decent part in it so that its a balance between dedication and luck


I think so, the Merchants will LOOK CRAZY for all the scrolls in the game until they have dozens and sell them all

They are going to bolster the hell out of the economy, let me tell you.