how good it is? 1/10?
8/10 for 2009 shady Christmas merch site backround, missing the 144p 15 frames santa though
1/10, nice face reveal.
thank you
Anytime fam.
I’d rate it 7/10.
8.5/10 synergizes really well with your pfp
Wait we’re suppose to be rating each other’s headers?
In which case @Cryonical I bump it to a 9/10
8/10, very interesting and, as Hat said, matches really well with your pfp (probably since they are probably the same character).
I also only noticed earlier that they were meaning to rate the person above’s profile header. Lucky me, the last person to reply was the topic creator.
I don’t want to be guy, but I am that guy.
my header better
skill issue
Fair enough, dead guy better than random magic circle I did for a concept. 7/10
9/10 such a mesmerizing magic circle
memetic hazard / 10
7/10 that cat is seeing some things.
8/10 dragons!
8/10 elgato