Rating the Grand Navy and Assassin Syndicate Uniforms (OPINION)

Hello everyone, It is I, EtherealR, rating the faction uniforms we currently have. Disclaimer I am not a fashion expert, very biased, opinionated and just for fun. My tier list is also NOT IN ORDER.

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Flooded Palo Town

Overseer - This one is damn good, I really like how the shirt fits so cleanly with the gauntlets. Black face mask is also drippy as fuck not featured in much uniforms other than Architect

Cardinal - Similar to Overseer, but more cleaner without the Pauldrons, so if you’re not feeling the Overseer Pauldrons, Cardinal is a great uniform

Rear Admiral - Fuckin drippiest GN uniform imo, the black suit and dark blue GN hat just completes it

Commodore - The Musketeer hat makes this uniform top tier, looks hella good and fits well. Kai also contributes to the placement since he makes Commodore look really good


Lord - Super clean with gloves, bracelets, and boots. A great clean uniform if you don’t run with the hooded uniforms of Assassin/Sponsor, and if you don’t run with the gauntlets of Maestro.

Maestro - Also one of the good one. While I do find the gauntlets cool, It might turn some people off due to its inverted color scheme of primary Red and secondary black. The headband is a nice touch and we lose the large cape Lord has. Depending on the person, that might be a good thing or not

Commander - Great uniform, similar to Commodore but without the Musketeer hat, but still good regardless. The blue suit with the gauntlets is cool enough to warrant this tier

Vice Admiral - Hear me out, apparently this rank is bugged atm, but I heard you were supposed to have the option to use any shirt you want for VA. If this is true, then I truly believe you can match the drip of Rear Admiral, featuring a Large Jacket Cape. Unfortunately, I do think the white hat sets it down (also assuming it doesn’t change colors)

We Cool

Architect - First hooded AS uniform. I heard from people that they don’t really like the hooded uniforms of the AS. While I do like them, I can understand why they don’t like it. I still like Maestro over Architect though. What I really like about Architect is the Black Red colors of the gauntlets and the red suit

Journeyman - A great uniform for its low rank. The most important thing here is the uniform giving you SLEEVES! Bandana is also welcomed. Overall clean for its rank

Admiral - It’s an good uniform, not too crazy about it. Idk why, but the thing that ticks me the most is the gold/yellow edges. It doesn’t make sense since Commodore/Commander has arguably the same density of yellow edges. I do still like it and would wear it

Lieutenant - Pretty cool uniform, I like the darker blue hat and pauldrons. Good upgrade to Captain imo

Major - This one may come off goofy to people, but I do like it because of the blue suit. headband is again a nice touch, nice pauldrons as well

It’s Ight

Acolyte - For a starter uniform, this isn’t too bad. I don’t like being sleeveless but atleast it’s red and black so you still feel cool with it

Assassin - Not too crazy about the red hood on this, Architect gets a pass because the hood is black. It’s still a cool uniform I’d rock though

Captain - This is where the GN uniform get good, simple and clean. Gets a cape, better hat, and SLEEVES! Captain being worth the 300k requirement is a whole another debate which I won’t go into though

Da Fuck?

Sponsor - I do not like the mask. People say its fine or cool but it is not for me. I prefer Merlot’s mask but people don’t find that mask ideal either way so Im kinda alone on this one

Marine - This one hurts real bad. No sleeves and feels nerdy. It was so bad that I couldn’t bear wearing it during one of my story playthrough, left the GN, and joined the AS because they had better starter drip

Vice Captain - Not as bad as Marine, def prefer the blue over white here, but still not an ideal uniform to be in

Link to Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/arcane-odyssey-faction-uniforms-15712219


yeah the mask looks like pee pee

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