Rating the magic types!

I’ve seen some people do this so I figured I’d provide my tastes as well.

Keep in mind that this is purely based on how much I visually like the magic.
(I would like to preemptively apologize to the moonlight fans)

Feel free to make fun of my abysmal taste. :+1: Also here’s the link to the one I used if you want to make one yourself.

Max magic size and ash magic make server do funny die.

I like this tier list except move iron to slightly like.

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Omg omg omg I LOVE yelloe lightning but these blue idiots have been almost convincing me to like blue better but another yellow lover :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::heart_eyes:


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Yellow on top :smirk:

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Bro fuck the blue lightning nerds, yellow on top :triumph:


Mountains on top because mountains are tallest

Know the difference :roll_eyes:

Yellow lightning is for edgy 7 year olds
Blue lightning is for edgy 12 year olds
and Purple lightning is for edgy 14 year olds :roll_eyes:

No yellow lightning is the most chad you can get.


so I’m 16 and use blue lightning magic…

yellow lightning above teal lightning is based but the rest of the list…
yellow ontop ez

you dislike lean

instantly killed