Raven's Restaurant & Dealership

Raven's Restaurant & Dealership https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/3/0343a3ba2ab31ae0ff0eca10915103e3f93b5fa5_2_1024x247.png
convenience 4.833333333333333 6 fairness 5.0 4 trustworthiness 4.8 5

You can possibly make it a little easier to navigate by adding some sort of icon next to the main dropdown or smth, I was gonna suggest using any emphasizing html mark, but that doesn’t work apparently since it’ll apply to all the text inside the dropdown too which isn’t what we’re tryna go for

Personally I just have a rule of not putting a dropdown inside another dropdown unless its very obvious to tell them apart (ex: a large amount of text in between them), so I’d use a different format personally or keep using dropdowns but only use 1 or seperate the other somehow if there’s 2

did a rollback and updated from there. thoughts?
the main things I kept are the removal of miscellaneous information, such as level and some meal data. I don’t think anyone cares about those. can re-add those if shown otherwise

Much better, tbh the formatting is basically more than good enough as is, considering what the shop is for. I don’t think it needs to have major changes or anything unless you’re plan on doing something big with the shop

issue is that I’m not getting a lot of sales other than for the boosting service. I assume that if I expanded my wares a bit, I’d get some more transactions going.
I really need a lot of ingredients for stage 2 of the cookbook and people just don’t feel like selling them to me is worth the time. hopefully I’ll get more sales now that I added a price tag to my meals. might tweak the formula if people say it’s too expensive.

(for those curious on where the AO Cookbook is heading, stage 1 is getting all the fish data done and out of the way. stage 2 is finding the exact conditions for every dish combination. stage 3 is discovering the entire cooking formula, so you’ll know a meal’s stats before even making it)

Well you’d probably have an easier time just overpaying in boss drops for ingredients, possibly you could try buying them w galleons in-game and boss drops on the forum for the most efficiency

15% bonus was a mistake. My Galleons TANKED. Reverted back to 10%.

If you have any sky pumpkins for sale id be happy to buy them directly for galleons or a lot of ocean fish

not selling sky pumpkins for galleons as I need them for research, although I’m willing to trade them for data entries. if you have a fish that’s missing from the database, I’ll do the trade

May I offer? IGN: xxnuke09xx
I currently have:
1 Swordfish
1 Basking Shark
1 Giant Anglerfish
2 Great whites
2 Tiger Sharks
1 Golden Giant Eel
2 Giant Great White Sharks
26 sun caraways

Id just want to ask what I value I can sell these for

Swordfish: 0 (Not buying)
Basking Shark: 236
Giant Anglerfish: 0
Great White Shark: 252 (504 total)
Tiger Shark: 0
Golden Giant Eel: 0
Giant Great White Shark: 509 (1018 total)
Sun caraway: 50 (1300 total)

What can I get for these? If I may ask.

those are my offers in galleons. if you want items, take a pick of what you believe is of equivalent value

ooh guess ill fish for a bit more then. thanks!

2 Sleeper sharks
26 sun caraways

Colossal squid
Golden Anglerfish

won’t be available until 2 hours from now. if you’re still there by then, I can give you an offer.
in the meantime, if you’re looking for certain items instead of galleons, you can list them

@xxnuke09xx let me know if you’re available within the next 2 hours. if not, I suggest selling or cooking them as I won’t make it in time

18 April, 2023 Changelogs:

  • Added price tags, in Galleons, for almost every item up for sale.
  • Paying in ingredients will reduce the price tag by 20%.
  • Merged “Buying Fish” subcategory with “Buying Ingredients”.
  • Updated all wares.
  • Other miscellaneous formatting changes.

Prices are experimental and may change without notice.
Feedback is appreciated as I’m not well-tuned with values yet.

I think some of the prices are a bit to high like vermillion bracelet cost 1k (only using vermillion bracelet as a example)