Wait I gotta do this series again? Fine.
Hello! Welcome to the third eddition of RWPoRS/RFPoRS/RMPoRS/RAPoRS. No, I am not fine. So I may have missed a few weeks. and by that an entire month. So I am here to fix my sins. Alright what is my first topic again? Oh right,
**Let's look at last month's challenge's results.**
Yeah I should have done a bit more research before posting that. Uhhhh, next time I’ll be a good boy. Sorry Macobre.

But I still have to choose the winner.
Congratulations, you win!
**Female quest giver**
You know it will be a good RW/F/M/APoRS when it gets me to talk about the uselessness of females (jkjk). So basically, if you looked at the trello, you would see this:
“Added the first non-shop NPC to Redwake, which will give the first side quest. She currently has dialog for the quest, but it can’t be accepted or viewed currently.”
We all know what happened the last time a female character (Drifa) was revealed. I sweat to the artist if you do shit like that again I will split your neck into third and throw your organs into the void of horny jail.
**Forum is dead and trend exist.**
For the month Random shit Rayhan has been away, many things have happened in the forums. The year started with “The person above trend.” The third addition was made by a use who joined on the 22nd of December. This was their only post, and it reached 800 replies as of writing this. The user has only visited 15 days. How did we let a person like this have power?
Then we had the short lived Rick Roll thing. Not sure how that happened. Then the current Amogus trend. Not sure how that came either. So we are all pretty much clinging on any trend to get views on this dead game.
What do you think of the forums current state?
It’s time for my short ad break.
There are a lot of thing in the trello that you may have not seen. Have you checked out all the future features to be added and looked at them in detail? Have you seen anyone talk about them in the forums? Exactly. So I will be making a post looking into the trello. Coming sometime in the future. So I-
You press the skip forward button on your controller.
And we are back! Let’s get to our fun parts of this posts.
Magical Shower Thoughts BC 3:
If the artists drew Drifa more than King David Silver when he came out, are they considered simps?
Character Gifs Challenge
Yesterday, I was experimenting a bit, and made a few gifs of my character in WoM. Here is one:
Could you make gifs of your own character too? Post them in RWPoRS Challenge #3 - Character Gifs and I will choose the best ones to be featured next time.
And that wraps up Rayhan’s whatever the fuck post of random shit. Enjoy your day. cya next time!