Rayhan's weekly post of random stuff #4 - insert word

The fourth installment of RWPoRS. Welcome back to a dying series!

Let's start with the depressing video of a low quality post getting more views than mine:

I hate you all.

The types of WoM players.

This one is a long one. I do be reviving series tho.
If you haven’t seen the last three then search them up somewhere.

Guild-Related types

The section for players of guilds:

Sweaty infamy hunters

I’m sure everyone has come across this type of player before, unless you don’t play WoM. This type of player are the ones who crave for infamy, killing hundreds of players for internet points and sweating as hard as they can for it.

Invisible Guild Members

You can only counter annoying with more annoying. Invisible Guild members are in a guild where it’s logo is just a decal with nothing. This makes is impossible to see when you see their character and almost hard to find on the playerboard. Their sole purpose is to drain other guilds’ infamy. They most likely use Gold. Stay away from them because that gold self explosion can be OP.

Skill issue members

These are the players who will keep dying to other guilds and lose more and more infamy. You’ll see them at about -1500% infamy.

New File situations

For the types of players when they create a new file.

Random Murder and Destruction

These types of players are mostly likely kids who really like fighting games. The first thing they do when they join is destroy everything and kill NPCs. They then get arrested. About 42 hours later when they are at level 4, they find a player. They then proceed to try and attack the player but there is a notifications saying they aren’t at the PVP level. They dont know it exists and continues to blast.

Random Murder and Destruction Post-Level 45

The player has now finally gotten to Level 45 and can kill people now. So they immediately try and kill low level players. Wait no he can’t. So then he uses a blast at a level 90. The level 90 immediately retaliates and the Level 45 runs away to live, but is eventually chased down and dies.


The player spawn in and- oh? They’ve already gotten a quest. Now they. oh, they just murdered a bandit with their 2x EXP boost. They quickly get to level 10 and get a dagger and. Yeah you know how this goes.

Skill Levels

The category for each level of skill.

Low Skill

The Low Skill player is most likely a new player, or a child. They are pretty stupid and can’t kill a level 40 bandit at level 90. And will get absolutely bombarded by Rising Mist Bandits. And will be obliterated when fighting the Minotaur.

Medium Skill

This player is your average. They know the basics of the game and do basic things, like be a part of a guild.

Medium-Higher Skill

These people are of brain and skill. They are the types of players to boss farm, can somewhat gain infamy, and other things. I am 100% sure this is most forum players :nod:

High Skill

Players like Josh, Visan, Orion, Thinngy, etc. These players are the highest of the high. They have lots of hours, can easily kill, infamy is like their breakfast, and can fight against 5 people as a solo.

That was a long section don’t you say?
I may be doing a whole dictionary of a bunch of other types, so keep an eye out if I am not lazy enough to do it.

Well let’s get to our repeatables and the challenge. But first:

How did the Character GIF challenge go?

I lose more faith in people week by week.

Shower Thought CB 4:

If School isn’t a place to sleep then why is Home a place to work?

Rank the top players Challenge

This challenge is simple. Tell me where and how you would rank some of the best players in WoM in RWPoRS Challenge #4 - Rank the top players. Compare yours to others and make a few arguments while you are at it.

Now the closing sentence. I swear if this doesn’t get over 50 views I will come to your house and {REDACTED}


Wait… oh shit. I may have posted this a bit too early…


ok fixed :niceman:

Thank you for featuring us :slight_smile:

Am I doing something wrong?