Really good smoothie

With the new golden fruit chances you can collect golden sky pumpkins from the quest spawn. They’re about 99 hunger each. Previously i was using 3 sky pumpkins and 1 wheat for my main food source so I tried it with a smoothie and noticed it makes a higher hunger value of about 250.

Decided to try it with golden sky pumpkins in a golden dark sea pot to see how high it’d go and well the results speak for themselves.

If you were wondering about the stats it’s 2 hours 3 minutes of sun protection 5 and invigorating 5


Hi Temcat

hello randomness


you won

Nice smoothie.

what do u mean bye quest spawn u mean from sky islands

I have a feeling we can go higher

yeah this spot here

Alright thx

wait this must be a bug. 300 if they are added together and they make 1500 hunger? this so bugged

theres a whole formula used for calculating how much hunger meals give, its not always “add together item hunger values, done”

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This is the berevage of the Gods

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golden cooking pot, p sure it triples the hunger given

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