Reasons why Rking is okay (as long as it's fair)

  1. this is the most important one. Because it’s fun. We don’t do it to be assholes. Crazy right?

  2. You don’t really lose anything by dying. (like 20 or 30 crowns.)

  3. It’s one of the only things you can do at max level.

  4. Pvp is a big part of the game

that’s about it.

you’re about to cause a war
it happens every time RKing is mentioned

Its OK as long as you arent harrasing others, chasing low levels or targetting people.
Killing low levels is far beyond not-OK

You’ve got a lot of good points. However, please do not attack people who are being pursued by the MC or people who has a lower lvl than you. The only exception is if you are causing a threat.



yes, that would be toxic. I myself don’t get enjoyment from fights that aren’t fair.


I very much agree

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Yeah, I agree. Another thing that is really annoying is gank squads.
Try to fight fairly, people!


I wouldn’t mind. I enjoy the arguments.

Unfortunately it mostly won’t be arguments, it would be screams, so brace yourself.
I pretty much agree though, even if you attack fresh level 40s, which makes you an asshole, you chose to be an asshole and that’s a valid choice. Just don’t get mad when people get back at you for killing them and you can do whatever.

I’ll kill whoever however the fuck I want :fr:.

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im fine with being rked aslong as you dont do any tricks beforehand like asking me if i wanna 1v1 and then start attacking if I say no

oh damn :flushed:

Sometimes be fair Fucking hurts,like,im attacking a villain and magic council appears and i need wait the guards die again

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Nah, chase the low levels down, 2 shot em, call em ez, rinse and repeat.

I kinda felt like the debate on rking was dead, but okay

it will never be dead

Not if y’all keep talking about it

And we will never stop. There will always be someone who will complain about it.

Imagine that