Add a way to negotiate or threaten deckhands that have more fame requirement than your current fame. The system would work with your rep vs their requirement; the higher your rep, the higher the success rate.
The remaining reputation you need to actually recruit them the default way would subtract to your success rate (maybe? im getting these ideas trying to make it somewhat good to understand), and there would be some scale, like, 5% or 1% of success rate every e.g 1-10k reputation.
So like, if i have 70k fame and the deckhand has a requirement of 100k fame, i would have a 70% chance (taking 10% per 10k scale) of base success rate.
Since i need 30k more fame to recruit them, it would result in 40% success rate, since 70% - 30% (from the remaining fame required) results in 40%. Set a base percentage where you would need to start paying galleons for them to join you, positive or negative renown would not matter, since it’s money, you know.
Now for the feature looks, it would be an extra tab named Negotiate (if you have positive renown) or Threaten (if you have negative renown). It would trigger different dialogue from the deckhand if possible or failed, e.g:
Positive Renown Success
“Huh, so you’re that captain, since you asked so nicely i’ll join you.”
“Oh, you’re a captain? Welp, by what you’ve said, it’s worth joining you.”
“Oh. You’re a captain then? Sorry, you didn’t look like one. I’ll join you.”
+dialogues in this theme.
Positive Renown Failure
“Huh? No, i never heard of you.”
“No, you don’t look like all of that.”
“You? A captain? You must be lying.”
“I’ll refuse your offer, you don’t look worth joining.”
- dialogues next to this
Negative Renown Success
“Wow, okay, i’ll join you! Just don’t hurt me!”
“Oh, chill down. I see your intentions… I wan’t to join, then!”
“Hey, calm down, please! Don’t hurt me!”
“Okay, okay! I’ll join you, no need to use brute force!”
Negative Renown Failure
“What was that? Go away before i beat you to a pulp.”
“Did you really try to threaten me? Get lost!”
“Hilarious! You don’t scare me, loser.”
“I said no! Now go away, before i kill you!”