Regarding Deckhands : Rewritten

Regarding Deckhands : Rewritten
effort 4.948717948717949 39 quality 5.0 37 reasonability 4.705882352941177 34

this would be absolutely glorious

most effort and quality suggestion i’ve seen.

ah thanks will do

uh i can’t edit it.


extremely interesting suggestion that would make the game much more alive, but maybe the waiting times are too long ? lowering them when near a tavern would be quite nice

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would love to go into more discussion regarding times n stuff but uh

yeah i can’t edit the original post lol, and it’s got 37 votes

this would be amazing

i love this. One of the most detailed ideas i have seen here

as someone who frequently sails around the seas for bounty hunting, cargo running, etc, this would not only give us a potential cure for boredom, but it would also make boats feel more lived in instead of simply just being mobile armed platforms that we can move cargo and treasure with.


hi =D

Well thought out

Day 1
“Holy shit you’re the world famous hero Aaron Barion, the world’s most powerful metal mage! I didn’t think you’d be wearing a metal ball on your head, though.”

Day 3
“Why do you spend so much time in Whitesummit? Who the hell is this Merlot guy?”

Day 7
“Did you just crush that fisherman under 30 tons of iron? Because he had a 10 galleon bounty??”

Day 12
“Why are we unloading gunpowder kegs to homeless people in Redwake again?”

Day 16
“You know what? Fuck this. The only thing we do is go from one end of the bronze sea to another selling crates and killing random people because they appeared on a poster.”
Rival Met


Self aware NPCs, real



translation: I want this.

Wait, would there be a way to keep morale up while also allowing deckhands to head to the tavern? I’m confused, and if the answer is said in the suggestion I don’t actually know where it is.

edit: oh im stupid them being in a tavern ups their morality not downgrades it

passive renown generation while your crew is chatting in the tavern, maybe some potential deckhands will overhear them talking about your recent feats

so basically if they hang around sailors lodge you can find a deckhand sitting nearby your ship and he will say something like “I overheard your crew talking about you, can I join”
and a interesting idea would be if your crew trusted enough they would flat out ask you what you are looking for in a deckhand (therefore assisting in getting a specific stat)

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