(Remake Post) World of Magic Remake Progress Post

Nothing special to mention, just thought I’d do a quick little progress update. I’ve spent the past week checking out the Dark Sea, so there haven’t been many updates in that period, but it feels like it’s been at least a month since the past remake post, so

Ui update (Done mainly by @Bio. Custom chat made by another person)

Ship that spawns merchants

Bandit. Supposed to show the new shortsword stab skill anim but I timed it wrong

NPCs can no longer aggro through walls and instead have the little “?” like in WoM and AO

Shortsword skill stab anim (modified heavy slash anim)

Arrows and thrown daggers can now embed in the target

Status effect (sand blindness in this example). NPCs will also say their spell anims in the chat now


And yes, there’s new magic variants, suggested by the server. This one has white lightning. Also, new adjustments to the magic particles.

NPC combat

Red explosion, burned status

Black glass

Cast anims, if you haven’t noticed them already

Posion cloud

Black sand pile, placed ice pillar (NPCs can use placed explosions now)

Sleeping civilian. Don’t worry, you can still talk to them. I know that was an issue in WoM

Civilians will now get scared and speak in the chat when they notice a criminal NPC.

Sailboats will now periodically sail into Ironport’s docks

Placed snow shockwave

Map updated. Whispering forest’s base is now built, complete with paths and ledges

And if you haven’t noticed, new eyes (and mouths) have been added to both NPCs and players. New hair options, beards, and clothes as well.

Also, there's sirens (Spawned only from commands)


The progress, the progress is real!

Bro this is actually sick, i couldn’t ever do anything comparable to what is shown there.

I can be a catgirl? Sign me up right now.

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Remaking WoM??? This is a daunting task to say the least. Looks cool so far. I like the new magic variants.

remove fog arrows

yooo where is the link to the future game

this makes me wonder how WoM would have been if it never got revamped into AO, like, how far along it would be

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: hm

any updates or is it dead

updates are posted regularly on the server
I don’t post updates on forums as much

this isn’t the latest remake post by the way

will we have atlantean shark tails eventually?

Atlanteans aren’t going to exist because WoM doesn’t have the Dark Sea.
However, I’m probably going to make them a chest item instead.

Also I was messing around with trying to do dark sea island generation a while back, so I figured I’d just do this too

YEAH!!! SHARK TAILS!! (complete sentence)

erm ackshually that’s a whale tail


It’s a shark tail on a whale head atlantean

i mean from what lore we learned before WoM was retconned, while the Dark Sea does still exist by that time, its much smaller (and likely less intense) as the magic pollution is finally clearing away.