bro possessed the ship and started attacking me
that’s why we wanted them to (because they could)
well now you know your deckhands build
I think vet could if he made mage npcs way more rare
Cuz its mostly mages that cause performance issues they spam 20 blast and stuff
no mages are fun I don’t want cannonfist guy
Breh its either that or we dont get a crew that fights back at all
our crew will never fight back (unfortunately)
Your deckhands attacked you? Sounds like they aren’t very loyal
Mine started attacking a random ravenna ship and kept dragging my ship over to it to fight it. That’s how I found out one of them has glass magic
They always could, actually. You just need to know how to trigger it. Vetex patched it for the most part a while back, but it can still happen.
Basically, there’s two ways. Deckhands count as positive rep NPCs (hitting them as a pos rep triggers a rep shield). If you’re a negative player, you can hit the deckhand while they’re loading and they have a chance of retaliating. For the ones at islands, just wait until they load in past the dummy phase but before you can talk to them. If you hover your mouse and the center dot is red, you can damage them and they can fight back.
Alternatively, when a boat is redocked or spawned, the deckhands also load in, albeit much quicker, so you have to hit them quickly. This usually causes them to trigger a spell or two before becoming passive again as they load in. You can’t damage your own deckhands I’m pretty sure, so you might need someone else.
There’s a rarer version where deckhands actually aggro naturally rather than via hit. Haven’t experienced this before myself, but they target someone and then try to attack them even if the deckhand wasn’t damaged.
I’ve also seen cases where deckhands attack while the boat is sailing, I assume that’s another variant of it or a load bug that caused them to not become fully passive.
Random fact: If your deckhand has cannonfist and you make them attack, they’ll still hold a cannonball when they become passive. Same goes for weapon NPCs, and conjurers can actually imbue their weapons (with a seemingly random magic from what I tested)
In conclusion, deckhands are start as a combat NPC with something that needs to be loaded to make them not attack. Failure or delay in this makes them fight. I think this used to occur with dark sea ghosts too.
Well uh there u have it guyd deckhaand update is here brought to you by Catean