Reminders for AO Final Messages

So, this is the last update until release.
It has truly been a wild ride experience reading this 25k+ thread over 2 years
See you all in the arcane odyssey that awaits us


Reminder that AO releases in exactly 2 hours 18 minutes on Saturday the 25th of February, 2023 (reminder that today is also Saturday 25th of February 2023)
Reminder that the game costs 0 robux + reminder that costing 0 robux = Free.

Um actually if it costs 0 robux then it costs robux, you need 0 of it :nerd_face:

nah, y’all just need to learn to parry :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :kiss:

Gg, we made it

This topic can finally rest to a certain extent. And game discussion can actually be alive for once.


See ya, Space White Eyes Mako

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Thank yall for sticking around!



Goodbye AO reminders, you’ll be missed.
Now its time for a new era

1 hour 48 minutes remain.

Truly worth the wait.

So…how you enjoying the forums last moments before the inevitable flood? Want a drink for how long we waited? Argos, Redwake, and the skill system reveal felt like forever ago.

This truly was a Reminders for AO (Part 3)

I ran out of likes for all this! :frcryin:

imagine not saving a like for the actual release announcement.

Remember how we blazed through Part 2?

part 1 lasted over a year.
part 2 lasted a month.

what the heck happened.

1 hour 30 minutes!

Well, it seems like the journey ends here.
After multiple years, we finally reach the end.

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It’s been really fun keeping track of the game’s development of the course of TGR, it’s been practically the only think keeping me patient enough for release. Thank goodness for the trello’s existence :nod:

That being said, I’ll probably be less active in the thread than I’ve been for the past year, since the need to watch development has dwindled now that we can experience the game ourselves. I’ll still be active on the forums though, after about the first day or 2 of AO’s release.

It really has been a Reminders for AO (Part 1), Reminders for AO (Part 2), and Reminders for AO (Part 3) with all of you.