Reminders for AO (Part 1)

Aight so for the XP sharing mechanics:

At all party sizes, you earn about halved rewards from a teamwork quest. Exact amount varies depending on your level compared to the party, but broadly speaking it means they’re a waste of time if you’re trying to progress as fast as possible with your friends - better off doing your own quests solo.
Will probably make a suggestion to remove the /2 from the formula, since teamwork is fun and I really don’t think it’s that serious of a balance concern that you can complete quests slightly faster if you’re playing with friends (it’s still mostly just travel time).

In terms of carrying friends and alts (the more practical application), the obvious advantage is that it lets you do high ranking quests at low levels.
Unfortunately, thanks to the XP rewards being halved and mostly going to the high levelled carry, there’s only a very narrow window in which this is effective. The exact cutoff depends on the level of the carry, but for a max level 90 carry, shared apprentice quests start providing more than a solo starter quest at around level 10, and solo novice quests always provide more than shared apprentice quests.

You can still save time if you’re training up a lot of alts (like, 5+), but you need a lot of alts for their levels to start making up a significant portion of the team’s total. This doesn’t apply for carrying friends, since they can all do solo quests at the same time.

tl;dr vetex did a gamer moment and halved all rewards for teamwork quests, so it’s a complete waste of time for all conceivable purposes

Edit: wait nevermind, there is an extremely good use for this
Get two alts (level 1), put them in your party and turn on teamwork. You now “share” 1.5x rewards with them, but they’re level 1 so they’ll get about 1% of it, leaving you with the remaining 1.48x reward multiplier.
Every alt you add gives you another +50% xp for your questing - 4 alts is 2x XP, 5 alts 2.5x, etc. You’ll need to rotate alts fairly often to keep them at level 1 so idk if it’s worth it, but maybe if late game quests are hard enough to find.
mega tl;dr: vetex did a mega gamer moment and teamwork is useless for everything except solo grinders

I agree, teamwork is essentially Useless. I get vetex’s intention though since this would prevent level 500’s from boosting level 1’s by hundreds of levels. Maybe if the split was less extreme…

The halved xp isn’t what makes this unviable - it’s already largely ineffective thanks to the xp being shared proportional to level.

A level 1 is going to get such a tiny fraction of a level 500’s quest XP that they’d be better off finding books. If you remove the xp halving then it becomes slightly faster to get boosted as a high level novice (around 35ish), though honestly the advantages are so marginal and in such a narrow window that I doubt boosting would be a real issue. You’d get more XP, sure, but you’d also get more XP from doing quests with someone at your level by virtue of being able to do them faster.

XP halving was a poorly thought out “just in case” measure that prevents players abusing the mechanic by neutering it entirely.

Can’t you just create a team of 1 (or send requests to random people) to earn team level rewards?
You don’t need to do anything with the other members of your team to earn team levels, just play continuously without leaving.

Also not a huge fan of rewarding players for staying on the same server, since sometimes you need to change server (old and laggy, exploiter/large RKing guild joined, etc) and this encourages suffering through it otherwise you lose your XP multiplier. Would have rather seen this bonus be part of the teamwork system, which needs the help.

hopefully vetex gives all these numbers a second pass because i’m really not impressed with what we’ve seen so far

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He added 2 new thing so

red = new (i think)

Oh god oh fuck it’s the Majors

majors will have a special ability

Majors: will exist

me: cries in agony and in joy

These mofos better have gauntlets


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solo guild time

5k yes.

ah yes, majors
magic council major


Place your bets, what could it be?

The guild regions