Reminders for AO (Part 1)

RIP file names


you will be missed dearly



Woah that’s really cool

That makes more sense.

i wish i wasn’t a fucking retard

i’m sorry for being a stupid ass piece of fucking shit, i changed my mind, ao should be paid access tbh, it’s way too high quality to be free


that would drive away a lot of fans like it did on the arcane adventures grand reopening, i think just early access should be paid access

theres donations and gamepasses if u want to support vetex

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Everyone makes mistakes and yours isn’t an exception. Nobody expected AO to ever be paid access. It’s fine don’t be to harsh on yourself.

Wasn’t that the same as in AA for the government thing

kinda but no ships spawned with the goal of chasing you, the AG ships just spawned randomly and sat around


Ohhh i see


44 more days until 1.9

Excitement and thrill is what leads people to do bad things like cheating. Obviously you should try to keep your life interesting, but stay moral and don’t do it in dangerous ways like living in a world full of powerful wizards, warriors and berserkers.

Wouldn’t it be 34?

Im just guessing because a new release come outs everyday

I doubt that cause sometimes vetex does 1.8.133 or whatever

Fully agree with your on there.

Thank you. I will say that boredom is stability. Nobody likes boredom, but nobody likes instability either. Bored stability, in my opinion, is overall better than exciting and thrilling instability. A life seeking thrilling excitement always comes with danger and stress. Ups and downs.

If you went to the world of Arcane Odyssey, then, statistically speaking, you’d probably be powerless. You’d see all this amazing stuff like magic and epic fights, but you’ll never know when random Joe is gonna come along and chop off your head, then shoot up your kids. You’d have nothing to do except fall back on the town’s soldiers and warriors to save your life. But what if Joe was born really lucky and is stronger than the whole town? Then what? It’s not a risk I’d like to take, not a world I’d like to live in.

I truly do agree with you a show would probably be better in the meanwhile.