Reminders for AO (Part 1)


you would die in less than 5 seconds with how chaotic shts are over there, unless you’re the MC

True but it would still be amazing as hell. Life is boring. Can’t even shoot a magic blast from out of my hand

I mean if we start in Dawn Island and buy stuff from redwake and explore the War Seas it won’t be that bad

I am confident you don’t even know how to use an oar. How do you think you will survive? Especially since this is in real life. You won’t be able to just throw some apples in a pot and make yourself a perfect meal.

Correct. Real life and in game are two different things.

If AO was real then every Plasma Magic user would one shot everything in sight.


A show would be cool, not real life though. Not everyone is born with magic and it takes immense training to learn fighting styles and weapons. AO is much too dangerous, I wouldn’t want to live in it without being the player. I’d rather live in Ni No Kuni or unOrdinary, those are safer options where you can still do cool magic stuff. Preferably Ni No Kuni, because in unOrdinary there’s a really corrupt system and how powerful you are is much more up to chance than it is in Ni No Kuni.

you’d be struck down by lightning before you could even leave dawn island


Agreed and true but it’s better than a boring life

Fr I want to see a huge row of shit completed like
I wanna see all of these done ( spouts n rough sea)

So living in fear of some wizards raiding/robbing your town, stealing you of all your money/possessions, and the constant fear of death is better then a boring life?

Might I also add the extreme conditions you are living through because of Durzas death? Or a white eyes just biting your boat in half and you with it? Definitely better then a boring life.


no. I just want excitement and thrill to it all. In a real life AO it would be pretty cool to experience some of the danger. Though i see why people would have AO as a show.

Proceeds to get comboed by martial artist



I believe in * dodges *

I believe in * grab attack *

Well I believe in * dodges your trash attempt *

Screenshot 2022-01-30 172449


Oh im more interested in the file name display