Reminders for AO (Part 2)

You are right enlightened one, but what is OC ?

Original creation/Original character

You are starting to know me a bit too well.

You post a lot, so thereā€™s a lot that can be known about you

Quite true, I donā€™t know how to shut up.

But I think one of the reasons is that I am drugged to this forum.

You made me remember to change my profile description.

You read a lot as well :roll_eyes:

Too much, I should try reading a book instead

who would flag this lmao

Oh, heā€™s doing glass magic next?

Of course not ! Vetex is actually secretly planning to start working on Mind/Spirit Magic next ! It is obvious.



You know vetex is likely never going to add a magic like this, only having insanity as an effect is kind of boring

HOW DARE YOU DENY MIND MAGIC ?!?!?! Donā€™t you understand ?!?! Mind Magic is inevitable !

way too much copium

Whatā€™s copium ?


so trueā€¦

You guys think Earth Ice and Lightning will be shown in sneak peeks too?

I need it