Reminders for AO (Part 2)

THis was his status moments before getting banned…

people can be straight up evil sometimes

ah yes the typical edgy bait to somehow satisfy ones ego when no one thinks the person doing the action thinks that way and the person w/ the bait msg being a complete edgelord-wannabe-idiot

…who banned him?


dude really acting like it’ll place a hex on whoever bans him, what a loser

bait so obvious all the fish swim past

It’s arcane reborn discord server jr.

Dont do this.


Couldn’t think of any more original jokes :frcryin:

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i just realized that theres like 7 bosses and its just for the first sea thats a whole lotta content for us baetex stays suprising me

We have dumbasses on phones!!

We also have people who forgot that suppressing pings exist!!

“Cringe magic gets reworke twice now”

Shocking :slight_smile:

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v1.9.100 is published. Can’t wait for lightning to be finished, cause the best magic of all time is next


the best magic of all time already got reworked silly

Nah man, the best magic of all time is Earth.

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No, you don’t understand, the best magic off all Time hasn’t been created yet.

Enlighten me with the best magic if you are willing to do so hehe.

It is Mind/Spirit Magic if course ! How can you not know ? Isn’t it obvious ?

His OC magic, mind magic