Reminders for AO (Part 2)

I wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to ban anyone insulting Mind Magic

I wanted to say that but I already insulted you about Mind Magic on another topic.

Also this isn’t general chat.


oh no, I have a feeling they will make a ship bigger than an island lmao

What even is the biggest ship?

In AA, frigate - buyable one ; Borelais - in general.

Suncry moment.

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fr reenact the borealis battle

Shiveraway posted a vid on arcane odyssey

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holy shit that thumbnail is the worst ngl


It looks like its going to be about Gpo copy 10000

its a vid about AO

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Yes that’s why I posted it here

Damn I already had several goat and Satyr inspired names figured out but now I’ve gotta kick it into overdrive

I can see it now. The flood of “GPO copy!” Remarks. I’m gonna be sick.

“Horns Of Pandemonium”

You’re welcome!

Solstice is the same size as the Borealis, possibly bigger if you count the space that all its weaponry takes up. I mean, if my memory serves me right, their Ragnarok Mortar is bigger than a frigate.

it does but hes gotta get the clicks
anime character in thumbnail means better click through rate lol


“Some of the most fun I’ve ever had”
This guy has only played anime games and it shows

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