Reminders for AO (Part 2)

For one person, while new guilds will have up to 10 players

nah, they don’t

Unless you’re good at pvp and grinding non-stop with a handful of other people it can take you days if not longer to get just Rookie. 1 per 30 seconds would take one person an hour to get it.

Again all really depends on how hard vetex wants infamy to be gained. If he wants average guilds to be average then 1 per min or 1 per 30 sec could be it.

Personally I think that could be something you build, like a shop that generates income or something while your clan owns an island.

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hmm I kinda hope you get infamy for capturing islands, like even just one, because capturing an island and getting nothing for like five minutes seems just a slight bit tedious

Not to mention there’s still not a way of losing infamy, so having it being gained too fast will make ranking up a really easy task compared to how it currently is

(i do expect a way to lose it will be added eventually but as of rn we dont know)

dying while defending an island or losing an island probably

Yeah I have a feeling ur suggestion about island pvp will be how infamy’s lost

Imagine getting a legendary treasure chart and it’s on the wilderness island with a 7 player guild (the end is near)

I really hope we don’t have to do legendary charts again just to get legendary weapons


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Yeah the idea was cool the end product was not

has anyone seen this


He’s said that a few times i believe

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When will lost spells be added?

with magic adjustments

I mean how long from now will they be started on.

I take this to mean that different islands generate different amounts of infamy, either that or something else causes islands to generate more infamy, maybe the more players are holding the island (to an extent). Though I doubt that.

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