Reminders for AO (Part 2)

its blank

I was looking at the archived lost spell list, and I saw the barrage spell which fit exactly what I wanted one of my spells to be as I wanted a spell that can launch basically a bunch of icicles at an opponent, but multi blast felt too slow and large, do you think those lost spells are being scrapped and new ones being made, or will that list be added upon in vetex’s private trello

didnt read the comment section i see

I did, I just read in another topic that the ideas were going to be replaced entirely and I wanted to know if they were or not

None of the ideas were rlly final so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them didn’t make it into the game

I take it it was archived for the same reason the lost and ancient magics card was removed. Which I’m assuming is so that people don’t get their hopes up for things that may not be added. The idea is staying just listing them made people expect them all to be added.

someone post finished snow magic

I do hope barrage comes back as It fits perfectly into my main file’s
design and spells, other ones such as elemental summon and meteor seem cool as well.

claim the leaderboard guilds and sell them back at a profit

barrage i douct will come back just because some of its functionality has been transferred into multi blasts

I’ll settle with an option to make multi blasts faster and smaller I just want my Icicles

step 1: 20% 5 instance placed pillar explosion

step 2: move your cursor

A multi blast can cast up to 20 bullets, the barrage spell can cast up to 80 bullets so it could still make it into the game. Personaly I hope not, its a pretty trash spell

do hope strong blast makes it in the end, looks real cool when aether lightning had it in aa

My fav is Zone i think, just cover a huge area with magic to separate battlefields would be awesome

actually barrage would have a ton of different uses.

  1. why do you not want a new spell type
  2. they fire out at insanely fast speeds
  3. good for showing off
  4. chasing spell
  5. ship destroying spell
  6. sea monster destroying spell
  7. is better for destroying than multi blast because much larger total dmg and fast cast time as well

locking blast: stick two balls onto someone

compared to other lost spells kinda boring

current 20 blasts take 1.2 seconds to fully fire out so idk why youd want more

other lost spells do this better + flaunt

this is the only thing it has going for it.

no, and no. the description literally says that it doesn’t do much damage and its more of a pressure/chasing spell. and also magics do 25% of their damage to ships now so its not even worthwhile to use magics to attack ships directly.

who said much larger total damage? fast cast time is the only thing it has going for it as well.

actually, it says the individual blast deals minimum damage, but due to the amount of blasts, actually would deal good damage if everything hits
also the aoe is huge

ik, which is why its good.
fast casting + ton of bullets + big ship hitbox = good damage from magic

if something is used for chasing, it usually deals low damage per hit but easy to hit (like beams)
but from experience, 20 hit beams deal a TON of damage
so i would assume all hits from a barrage would deal big damage.

? just use cannons? its not even that good damage, the big aoe is nice sure but minimum damage is meh.
plus it says that its not a move that you can spam to kill everything, so its safe to say that the damage will be overall pretty low for the spell.