Reminders for AO (Part 2)

well the guy i was replying to wanted someone to post it so

Mostly used for discussion/speculation about anything related to the trello or AO’s development

guys i think ao is going to release

Yea they’re not saying anything about the actual development of such features

we are speculating on how they would work

since we’re on the topic of lost spells i wonder if arcanium weapons will effect all spells including lost ones, maybe not ones like magic leap and such but other than that all spells.
cause there are some that could be weird for lost spells like summon elemental.
maybe for this one it would summon a magic variant of the weapon to fight alongside you
like an arcanium sword summoning a magic one to fight with you and chase down your opponent or an arcanium bow summoning a bow that hovers adjacent to you and shoots magic arrows at your enemy.

that would be awesome

and zones would create something like the weapons
like bow zones raining arrows, sword zones slashing around a bunch

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ooooooh, that would be so cool

what the fuck happened here

hE hE

Casual Discussion about Gameplay Mechanics

A barrage spell would also be nice for mine, using crystal as my first magic. the damage boost for each of them wouldn’t be a ton but I’d get a lot of small boosts

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well shit did user4 comeback?

no, two nerds were talking about the barrage lost spell

lol maybe

the based spell.
Turn into asriel fucking dreemur with that and hover

Imagine landing those 80 in the time it takes to land 20 normal 20 blasts. That what I’m assuming it would be like. Sorta like divine shower from AA

you mean the spell that might be completely removed?
there’s a reason vetex hasn’t been revamping hover effects
now it’s time to see the chaos

thats what i was argueing about