Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Liking what i’m seeing here

Ah so the boss isn’t magic


cool weapon

might be an artisan weapon, weapon exclusive to main weapon users 🫣


weren’t those gonna be a post release feature tho?


I doubt he’d make it an artisan weapon but i’m sure most of the skills wont be usable unless you’re pure weapons

fighting styles havent even been added yet so i dont think hes getting into hybrid build stuff for it right now

Idk man from what vetex has said it just seems like fighting styles are available for players yet

It might be a weapon that can hurt curse users, hence “curse bane” and it could make sense because he’s a general so he might need a way to counter and keep his curse users in check



are curses gonna be in ao?

wasn’t my campfire, it was a random gif i found showcasing animated particles lol


carbon copy is a bit harsh considering the games are entirely different, by that logic I guess AO ships are a carbon copy of sea of thieves ships


Maybe but they’re very similar ig :woman_shrugging:

from what I’ve seen not really, the ships dont seem to have any real similarities other than like 1 or 2 things

I mean if you’ve read the lore doc we know that there’s dozens of curses in vaults all over the war seas as well as kingdoms having their most powerful warriors being awarded curses so it’s likely we see at least one

Also I have a question about this do you plan to make the whole member revealing stuff a major thing in the story/do something unique with it or is it just gonna be like how ubisoft did it with a couple quests and assassinations and you figure it out?

Idrc if its either, both systems are fine, but I’m curious to know since it could be more interesting that I’d thought

All that we know is that it’s story related but it seems like it could be a major part due to the order being a seemingly large organization


Damn is he already finished with water or is he working on fire at the same time?