Reminders for AO (Part 2)


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I want to know what m1s look like
We have like 3 months left until they can be done

I’d say four or five if the game development creeks into early 2023

I remember somebody showing a tester rating some revamped magics I really wish we could get his opinion on the rest or vetex would just showcase them on his channel instead of just twitter

What with you and leaks.

this is literally a thread dedicated to leaks lol of course hes gonna be talking about leaks

I started stalking the forums early this year and I’m itching begging thirsting for more. I’m saying this but I can wait a few more weeks till the next leak :grin:


291 messages, what did I miss

  • You can bounty hunt & arrest npcs, or free them from prison
  • more work on combat m1s

Damn this is cool as hell

wait, players learn second magic at level 120 but npcs get it earlier :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


NPCS leveling up now is stronk.

players learn second magic at their awakening in the story, which is meant to be reached at around 120

Yeah, was just noting that mage NPCs will have their second magic earlier than we do

I mean actually you could probably get it more earlier since yknow, the story isn’t level locked?

Idk, it’ll probably be an instance where you can’t proceed with obtaining your awakening unless you meet the level requirement

that would be annoying as fuck, say you were underlevelled then the game pulls an AR on you and you now have to level up a bunch

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wait a fuckin min, npcs can level up

npcs don’t usually have a level cap

what could we do with a server of dedicated people


next patch note be like: set huntable npcs to have a level cap equal to players