Reminders for AO (Part 2)

no u got it wrong the images used to be there i just took them out and put them in my post

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Same thing

Thank you lots ColdFire

and npc rivals

that too

Mostly about npc rivals tho

na turo

Dedicated to finding a rival that’s an ice conjurer

oh cool


level 30? let’s go, wonder what spells i’ll see newbies using

Shadow magic is different. If that were the case my beloved equinox would not exist as light would simply overpower shadow

We’re talking more irl things

so lvl 120 will be the best level to go hunting for lost spells.

Ancient Spells? That’s news to me.

I wonder if he’ll do fighting styles and lost spells at the same time

I wonder how the rarity of “super rare” and “hella rare” compare.

i am honestly thinking of doing this for my 3rd slot (only reason is to apply ALOT of debuffs)

I gotta figure out what im gonna do with my 9 slots first…

not super rares probably like the chance of a rare treasure chart
hella rares probably rarer than lost magic but less rare than ancient magic
