Reminders for AO (Part 2)

i was just about to post that😿

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They’ve been in the info card of stat builds for a while


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okay. I should probably look back through the trello.


posted alrady but im not sure about the second one

it was


I hope this mean they will follow me around and fight enemies with me

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Sounds fun having a legion of overglorified monkies with shotguns

Can someone explain the 100 new messages for such a small amount of new information

It’s from the possibilities from the rival idea vetex has and from Ezia not knowing what naruto is

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Im probably one of the few people that dont like “allying” system with NPCs. Because it will basicly give nothing
If hero frees hero npc, they wont fight near each other anyway, same goes for villains.

So why does “allying” even need? If we would be able to “call” our allies in future, i imaigne that random pvping will be cancer.
Imagine - you fight with guy and when he low he suddenly calls his allies of his level. :sleeper:

aka how drs is used in ar


5 findable spells and skills in early access, nice to know that ill have a decent bit to do in it

super rare is probably like 1-50 to 1-250
hella rare is probably 1-1k to 1-10k




holy shit


FIGHTING STYLES LESSGO WARLOCK BUILD WINING (I had hopped we would have the names of the creatable base skills to give us an idea of what we could do with them)