Reminders for AO (Part 2)



ok at least villains have a equal



How would one level up a positive rep npc? Cause capturing positive reps and jailing them doesn’t exist anymore so you can’t free them if they aren’t getting imprisoned

there will probably be some alternative to jailing positive reps

Like being captured.

i mean it is kinda silly that we assassinate positive reps and yet they end up in jail somehow

Should be called capture contracts then, but that’s too long for the ui

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capture contracts is shorter than assassination contracts tho

It’s wordy, like saying assassination is cooler than saying capture tbf

it does have alliteration tho

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and also it would be pretty stupid for some evil organization capturing positive reps and then just letting them go after 10 minutes

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It could be for a “ransom” and since it wasn’t paid they might not be valuable enough to warrant keeping around and “wasting resources” on someone that they aren’t gonna pay for

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thats true
maybe vetex just made it so positive reps can’t be jailed temporarily and he will enable that back on later only vetex knows

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I’m guessing there won’t be an ally system for them, you just assassinate them and they respawn stronger somewhere in the server after some time

Doesn’t make sense for one to get assassinated then respawn stronger than you were

well you beat the shit out of them and then they wake up and train and when you meet them again their stronger. the bad rep do the same just in prison

The bad reps only come back if you free them wdym
Plus it’s called an assassination, or an execution

also is it just me or is the ally thing like really lame? like im happy its there cause it doesnt make sense for them to immediately kill you for saving their life but like if they follow me it could get very op very fast cause get a friend make them go do bounty hunts and just sit at the execution kill everyone and then repeat for a bit and boom 15 lvl 90 bandits on your side. but if they dont follow you it was basically worth nothing cause you wasted like 10 minutes waiting and another 10 minutes tryna kill the captains that were there.
note: if we get something from the bandit that’d be worth it like he gives us a “chest” just all of his stuff then it’d be good

They don’t follow you it just basically make you and the npc in a party until they despawn when their jail time ends, then they’ll respawn on the list