Reminders for AO (Part 2)

alll hail Supreme Lord and Leader Vetex

fr tho i hope he dont run out of budget or anything

maybe he wearing some sort of uniform instead of custom armor ?

thats my worst nightmare ill literally work a job just to keep development for this game going


can somebody send me the anicent magic lost magic chart?

paid access games dont get premium payouts (basically robux given to you when people that have premium play your games), which in the long run makes him more money because he’ll make continuous income from it as opposed to a 1 time payment per person


Supporting vetex is perhaps the one thing that might get me to pay for premium, that and I’m tired of my main account being a default lol

oh yeah i forgot you can actually make money when people play your game on roblox lmao :skull:

GG, weapon users are techicnally magic users…

All Weapon-Hater-Mages (Me including)


I’d just assumed this, considering all builds will be using energy post awakening.


Idk why nobody mentioned this but savants will be able to use a weapon that has both a magic and a fighting style infused in it


@ThatOneGuy Another flocks to the forum

That was mentionned here

Anyway welcome to the very deepest part of Tartarus

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does anybody actually know what weapon aura is? is it like if you get to close to me you start taking damage or like one piece haki

I honestly would’ve been fine if he just said it’s only gameplay purposes only

read awakenings card on trello

Basicly aura around your weapon depending on its rarity.

  • Poor - rusty aura
  • Average - ironish
  • Etc

It will be just a permanent boost for weapons.

Weapon aura (scale of weapon skills increases and gain addition effects)

Rusty weapons remain viable into late game due to the arcane universe lacking the technology to develop a tetanus shot


ah but Rusty can will always be the best.


Ok so you know how you can imbue weapons with magic or fighting styles?
Just imagine you are imbuing the weapon with weapon.

so much weapon that it cannot be contained within the weapon and spill out to the world outside of the weapon