Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Omg I’m creaming

I’m realy shocked this wans’t an illegal leak holy crap

This game is gonna be so good like the way the boss is set up is so fukin cool

earth magic revamp looks terrifying, like what the fuckin hell


I’m on the cleanup phase rn :frpensive:


NOT AGAIN BRO :frcryin:

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ultrakill reference
I want his drops

whole ass anime fight bro

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HE WAS USING FIGHTING STYLES. you could see one where he did a beam like punch in 4:40 and he basically did a super dash in some parts of the fight

Maybe the real fighting styles were the friends we made along the way


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i thought the beam like punnch was just a fucking spear throw



Make up your mind

Same level as Elius.

Exactly what I’m saying

He never equipped his fighting style, there was no punch

Two things I have noticed


In his second phase he rips off his shirt while activating the aura spell, this shows that the aura spell places a magic symbol on the back (maybe other parts too?) of your character (I took the ss while he performed a Fighting Style technique)

The floating dust is the Earth(?) Magic charging animation which Kurumai tapped slightly, but this is only helpful to the 4 Earth users out there


earth mains reactio- oh nevermind there are none



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bro this game looks crazy… like I can’t think of any other rpg game on Roblox with this level of quality and polish. Vetex boutta make something truly special fr

Playing this game with friends is also gonna be fun asf

This game better be in the Bloxy/Innovation awards next year.

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